1. Who is the WEF?

The WEF is an apolitical, Non-Profit Organisation (reg. no: 078-886 NPO) and a Public Beneficiary Organisation (PBO: 930039447), founded and managed by a group of professionals with a passion and an interest in sustainable development, biodiversity, education and the conservation of our natural heritage. The WEF has no permanent employees and all the work are

2. Why does the WEF do what they do?

Presently the ever increasing human species is the single most destructive force on planet earth - endangering the survival of not only all other living creatures on this planet, but mostly our own survival! . . . READ MORE

3. How can I help?

Subscribe to our newsletter, join the WEF as a volunteer (no cost involved), support our National ENVIRO-Hero Project & Presentations, support our fundraising projects, become a partner, sponsor or make a donation, or become involve in our conservation education projects.

5. What is a NPO?

NPO is a NON-Profit Organisation / Organisation founded not for Financial Gain. A NPO must be approved by and registered with the South African Department of Social Development before it can function as an NPO. A NPO is NOT part of government, but an independent group organised for purposes other than generating profit and in

6. What is a PBO?

In short, a PBO or Public Benefit Organisation is 1) a non-profit organisation (NPO) - either a non-profit company (Section 21 Company), or a trust or an association of persons that has been incorporated, 2) formed or established in the RSA of which 3) the sole or principal object is carrying on one or more

8. What is Sustainable Development and why is it so important?

Sustainable Development is defined as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". This need has arisen for the increase in environmental problems as a result of rapid development since the Industrial Revolution. Many of the planet's ecosystems are degraded, species are threatened

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