How we treat Nature and all other living creatures – that is exactly how we have chosen to treat OURSELVES

Since 2010 the WEF has visited and done Wildlife & Conservation presentations and workshops at more than 80 schools & other organisations, reaching more than 130 000 learners, educator and other youth/adults per year.

“The best way to determine the future, is to create it TODAY!”

WEF Talks

HERO Talks & Presentations

Teaching children about the natural world and all the other living creatures that we share this beautiful planet and life with – MUST be seen as one of the most important events in their lives (CLICK HERE to read more).
DISCONNECTING people, especially children from NATURE, means DISCONNECTING them from LIFE !

Through our wildlife and conservation talks, presentations and workshops, the WEF aims to share in a fun and highly informative way, educational knowledge about our wildlife, environment and its conservation and preservation. In doing this, our vision is that together we will make a significant contribution towards the development of lifelong positive environmental attitudes and values in the people we’ve been able to reach (view more). 

WEF talks and presentations are usually in the form of short, powerful audiovisual talks – usually between 45 to 90 minutes depending on the talk content, audience and available time in the school’s schedule.  Content/theme of talks vary and can be customised according to audience and/or on pre-arranged request: 

  • BE the HERO who CARES

  • Magical planet – magical animals

  • Re-connect & re-discover in Nature

  • Biodiversity and Conservation

  • Animal behaviour … why your dog barks!

  • This beautiful LIFE

  • … and lots of other exciting topics!

Knowledge – Respect – Compassion – Care – CONSERVE

WEF Eheroes


Talks, Presentations, Programs, Courses, Events


To truly UNDERSTAND our universe, our planet, our environment with its amazing biodiversity, and our own inseparable connection & inter-relationships with it all – we need holistic information, knowledge, and a receptive mind. Only then will we be able to make sense of it all and embrace the true being that we really are.

LESELI Africa Project

“We do not “come into” this world – we come out of it, as leaves from a tree”

The Conservation Series

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    BE the HERO in YOUR own LIFE STORY

    TOGETHER me and YOU are the HEROES of our Planet
    “WALK the WALK” – BE the HERO who CARES – NOW!